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  • Update: We'll see all at San Diego Comic Con International in 2003.
  • Update: All Photos for this site originally done the old-fashion way in Photoshop 3.5, now optimized for a faster web launch with Photoshop 6.
  • Update: We'll see all at San Diego Comic Con International in 2002
  • Update: San Diego Comic Con International 2001 is Here! July 19 thru 22!
  • Update: NPR (National Public Radio) of Boston contacts PACAS members for interviews at the San Diego Comic Con International.
  • Update: Carlos "Burrito" Saldana's "" is back online again.
  • Update: Raphael "Sonambulo" Navarro publishes tradeback book of collective comic books of SONAMBULO!
  • Update: Laura "Jaguar" Molina finishes a commissioned oil painting for a private party for $X000.00 and within minutes is able to be debt free (and she's broke again).
  • Update: Richard "El Gato Negro" Dominguez announces redesign of Azteca Productions web site.
  • Update: Jose "The Chosen" Martinez open Culver City Online as an expansion to his Chico Comics web site.
  • Update: FLASH!! P.A.C.A.S MEETING APR 26, 7:00pm, AT SELF-HELP GRAPHICS (EAST L.A.). Contact Steve Ross for more infomation. On the agenda: San Diego ComiCon, PACAS has been invited by OTRA VEZ Gallery for a month long showing of their comic art in Sept.
  • Update: Steve Ross' "CHESTY SANCHEZ" character has been released as a 130 page
    book by Antarctic Press! Steve has invited several members of PACAS to make
    pin-ups of their characters with Chesty for the book.
  • Update: LATINA MAGAZINE has selected EL GATO NEGRO website as one of the top 50 Latino Websites on the Internet. Publisher/creator Richard Dominguez is humblely honored.
  • Update: Welcome New PACAS Member MARTHA MONTOYA creator of "LOS KITOS"
  • Update: The Champions of Justice Panel at the Comic-Con was an overwhelming success. PACAS members Steve Ross, Laura Molina, Rafael Navarro were participants in the panel discussing and promoting Mexican masked-wrestlers.
  • Update: We welcome new member Alex Fuentes to PACAS, he is the latest recipient of the distinguish Xeric Foundation Award. This grant is given by Peter Laird (co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) to a new promising self-publisher. Alex is the creator and artist of "Grasa del Sol" published under his own label Estatue Studio.



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"This site is a tribute to a group effort, now retired and frozen in time."